Event EURAF 2024 | 27 t/m 31 mei

EURAF 2024

De 7e editie van de Europese Agroforestry Conferentie vindt dit jaar plaats in Brno, Tsjechië. Tijdens dit vijfdaagse evenement wordt een agroforestryfilmavond georganiseerd, vertellen diverse onderzoekers enthousiast over hun agroforestry-gerelateerde onderzoek (op het podium of naast een poster), kun je deelnemen aan een excursie, en niet onbelangrijk: het is de perfecte gelegenheid om te netwerken met (externe) agroforestry collega's!

''The European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) aims at promoting the use of trees on farms as well as any kind of silvopastoralism throughout the different environmental regions of Europe. EURAF has more than 600 members from 23 different European countries.

EURAF’s aim to promote the adoption of agroforestry practices across Europe by:

  • Any communication means, including lobbying for agroforestry adapted policies at the European scale.
  • Organizing a bi-annual conference.
  • Sending an electronic newsletter to all members.
  • Managing a dedicated website, with functionalities to share information, scientific results and policy issues on agroforestry.
  • Achieving specific agreements with national and international agroforestry societies or other related societies for the exchange of information and the organization of joint congresses, symposiums, and seminars.
  • Meeting monthly to delineate actions to target awareness of agroforestry systems mainly at the policy level.
  • Promoting events and participating in research projects providing networking throughout Europe.''

More information: https://euraf.net/

Source: CONGRESS - EURAF 2024 (mendelu.cz)

