Search results for Agroforestry

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Agroforestry is a land-use system in which the cultivation of agricultural crops or livestock is combined with the production of woody crops, usually trees, on the same plot. But what are the advantag...

Research on the impact of agroforestry


Soil: carbon sequestration> More info about how various farm management strategies affect the soil: KnowSoil Agroforestry Research in Flanders has shown that combining trees and/or shrubs with production crops...

Research projects

CAMBIUM: agroforestry - integrated

Inagro, Bos+ Vlaanderen vzw, Praktijkpunt landbouw Vlaams-Brabant, FSG, Food Forest Factory, Stichting Voedselbosbouw Nederland, Agroforestry Netwerk Limburg



...ic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and agroforestry? Definitely! All these forms of land use are aimed at following ecological principles, each with its...

Research projects

Pasture protection: adequate shelter for animals kept outdoors

...oject. Finally, we are creating a new user-friendly digital module for the decision support system 'Agroforestry Planner', specifically aimed at supporting farmers in making an appropriate choice o...

Research projects



Profitable and resilient food systems

...ther things, on new cultivars, new crops (such as soy and quinoa), new cultivation systems (such as agroforestry), new products and processes, new marketing systems and citizen-farmer models(su...


Farming and rural areas within an urbanized society

... partners in our living labs, we experiment with various forms of multiple uses of space, such as agroforestry. We are also facilitating dialogue between different actors, such as agriculture a...


Toward climate-smart agriculture and food production

... for drought-tolerant crops and even for climate-resistant systems, such as saline agriculture or agroforestry. To increase the water supply, we want to literally give water more space again: infil...

Webinars Veehouderij 2020 - Webinar 4

...ecte zonnestralen of droogte en bij <15 °C stopt de ontwikkeling). Wat houdt de Agroforestry subsidie precies in? De Agroforestry subsidie is een subsidie die landbouwers kunnen aanvragen voor d...


...n tips van bioboeren. Dit project startte in 2017 en loopt nog tot 2020. Projectpagina Legcombio (Agroforestry in Vlaanderen) Omschrijving Legcombio-project - ILVO Nieuwsgolf 2017 Bioboeren getuige...

Webinars Veehouderij 2020 - Webinar 4

...ecte zonnestralen of droogte en bij <15 °C stopt de ontwikkeling). Wat houdt de Agroforestry subsidie precies in? De Agroforestry subsidie is een subsidie die landbouwers kunnen aanvragen voor d...


...aamstalmanagement Management in de vleesvarkensstal Kengetallen Marktinformatie (Arbeids)veiligheid Agroforestry Financiële steun (Auto)controle, lastenboeken en kwaliteitslabels Beide presentaties...

Webinars Veehouderij 2020 - Webinar 4

...ecte zonnestralen of droogte en bij <15 °C stopt de ontwikkeling). Wat houdt de Agroforestry subsidie precies in? De Agroforestry subsidie is een subsidie die landbouwers kunnen aanvragen voor d...

Vraag / Antwoord

...denrijk grasland en rundvee Gemengd inkuilen Duurmelken bij melkkoeien Biogene amines in kuilvoer Agroforestry en rundvee Betacaroteen en beweiding Omgevingsmastitis bij melkvee Melkwei als rundvee...


...eid Bioveiligheid Bedrijfsmanagement Algemeen Melkvee Vleesvee Nuttige links Algemeen Kenniscentrum Agroforestry (VLAIO-project 2014-2019:ILVO, Inagro, UGent, Bodemkundige Dienst van België,Agrobeh...